Hormone therapy - Balance Hormone Center

Hormones are the body's chemical messengers that regulate many essential physiological processes and functions. They influence almost every cell, organ, and tissue in our bodies. Hormone imbalances can lead to various symptoms and health conditions. Some common signs of hormonal imbalance include:

For Women For Men
Unexplained weight gain or weight loss Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
Hot flashes Fatigue
Night sweats Hair loss
Fatigue Depression
Hair loss Anxiety
Depression Sleep disturbances
Anxiety Loss of muscle mass
Sleep disturbances Decreased libido
Loss of muscle mass Erectile dysfunction
Decreased libido
Vaginal dryness
Irregular periods
Timely treatment of hormone deficiencies with hormone therapy can provide relief from symptoms, prevent diseases, and help people feel their best. Read on to learn the basics of hormone therapy.

What Is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy involves supplementing hormones that are low or lacking in the body. It is used to treat hormone deficiencies and maintain optimal hormone levels. The goal is to restore balance and improve health.

Some common types of hormone therapy include:

Hormone therapy can be administered in various forms such as oral pills, skin gels, injections, implants, creams, and patches. The method depends on the hormone, dosage, and patient preferences.

Proper testing is crucial before starting hormone therapy. Blood, saliva, or urine tests help determine existing hormone levels and pinpoint deficiencies. Follow-up testing monitors treatment effectiveness.

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Benefits of Hormone Therapy

Correcting hormonal imbalances with hormone therapy provides numerous health benefits for both women and men:

For Women

For Men

Balanced hormone levels are key for optimal health, disease prevention, and overall well-being.

Check hormone levels for optimal health.

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

The first step is having the right tests done to check current hormone status. Based on test results, customized treatment plans can be created.

Here are useful lab tests for diagnosing hormone deficiencies:

Test Purpose
Male hormone panel Measures testosterone, free testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, etc.
Female hormone panel Checks estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, etc.
Thyroid panel Tests TSH, T3, T4, thyroid antibodies
IGF-1 Screens growth hormone levels
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) Impacts testosterone availability

It's crucial to test hormone levels first thing in the morning for accuracy. Repeat testing may be needed after beginning treatment to ensure proper hormone balance is achieved.

Finding an experienced endocrinologist or hormone specialist is key for correctly interpreting results and providing effective therapies. The practitioners at Balance Hormone Center specialize in holistic hormone therapy.

Hormone Therapy Treatment Options

There are myriad treatment options to address hormone deficiencies and restore optimal levels:

Bioidentical Hormones

These plant-based hormones mimic native human hormones. They are structurally identical, providing the closest match. Types include:

Bioidentical hormones come in pills, patches, gels, and creams. They are the most physiological form of supplementation.

Synthetic Hormones

Synthetic versions replicate hormones. Types include:

Though effective, synthetic hormones are not structurally identical and may produce some side effects.

Compounded Hormones

These customized preparations are tailored to the individual by compounding pharmacists. They allow personalized dosing and combination of various hormones - testosterone, thyroid hormone, estrogens, etc.

Compounded bioidentical hormone therapy provides a balanced, natural approach.

Natural Remedies

Herbs like black cohosh, maca, red clover; vitamins D, B, E; and lifestyle changes help support hormones naturally. Nutrition, exercise, stress management also contribute to balance.

Integrative treatment plans should include natural remedies alongside hormone therapy for optimal restoration.

Getting Started With Hormone Therapy

Beginning hormone therapy requires:

Close provider supervision ensures hormone levels are expertly balanced for the best results.

Restore balance, optimize health through timely hormone therapy.

Lifestyle Optimizations for Hormone Therapy Success

Comprehensive treatment plans combine hormone therapy with customized lifestyle changes for optimal restoration of balance.

Helpful strategies include:

The providers at Balance Hormone Center offer personalized guidance to help you make sustainable lifestyle improvements that support your hormone therapy.


Hormone balance is essential for well-being. The specialists at Balance Hormone Center can provide cutting-edge testing, innovative treatments, and holistic care to help you restore optimal hormone levels. They offer personalized solutions to enhance vitality, prevent disease, and empower you to feel your best. Contact them today to get started on your journey to optimal hormone health.

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